100-Hour Multi-Style Yoga Teacher Training

Discover Your Potential and Transform Your Mind, Body, and Soul in Two Weeks

Journey to Rishikesh, the birthplace of yoga, for an immersive 14-day multi-style yoga teacher training. Our program, held in a peaceful and tranquil ashram, offers a unique opportunity to deepen your practice and become a certified instructor. Experience the authentic teachings of yoga amidst the serene beauty of the Himalayas, dedicating yourself to self-discovery and holistic well-being in a truly transformative setting.

Intensive 100-Hour Multi-Style Yoga Teacher Training

With its roots in ancient tradition, yoga has experienced a global surge in popularity, creating a high demand for qualified instructors. If you're drawn to sharing the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of yoga, this q00-hour teacher training in Rishikesh offers the ideal foundation, equipping you with the skills and knowledge to teach safely and effectively.

Your Ideal 100-Hour Yoga Teacher Training!

Begin your journey to becoming a certified yoga teacher with our 100-hour training in Rishikesh. This two-week program is perfect for beginners, offering a transformative experience that integrates yoga into daily life. Like the first step on a staircase leading to our 200-hour certification, this course ignites a passion for yoga and provides the essential foundation for continued growth and development.

Perfect for Beginners and Yoga Enthusiasts:

If you're searching for a 100-hour yoga teacher training that offers a transformative experience, look no further. Our program provides a comprehensive curriculum, experienced instructors, and a supportive community, all within an immersive and inspiring environment. We focus on nurturing both your personal practice and your teaching skills, ensuring you leave equipped to share the gift of yoga with others.

Deepen Your Practice, Transform Your Life:

Our 100-hour Yttc program offers a transformative journey of self-discovery through the profound practice of yoga. While it provides the foundation for teaching, its primary focus is on empowering you to cultivate a richer, more meaningful personal practice, leading to greater well-being and a deeper understanding of yoga's transformative power.

Connect with the Essence of Yoga: I

mmerse yourself in the rich history and philosophy of this ancient practice, tracing its origins through a journey of self-discovery. This course offers a unique opportunity to connect with authentic traditions and gain a profound understanding of yoga's roots.

A Community for All Ages:

Join a diverse community of practitioners of all ages. This course celebrates the shared journey of yoga, recognizing the unique wisdom and vitality that each individual brings to the experience.

Embracing Diversity: Our program welcomes everyone, celebrating the unifying power of yoga and fostering a nurturing environment for personal growth enriched by the unique contributions of each individual.

Deepen your practice, ignite your passion for yoga, and connect with a supportive community. This course welcomes all levels, offering a transformative experience that explores yoga's timeless traditions and provides the skills to teach.

“Yoga is an invitation to inhabit the present moment. It's a practice of mindful awareness, where we learn to observe our breath, sensations, and thoughts without judgment.”

100-hours YTT Course Curriculum

Immerse yourself in the authentic traditions of Hatha and Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga with our 100-hour residential teacher training at our Ashram in Laxman Jhula, Rishikesh. This intensive program offers a transformative experience for aspiring instructors seeking a shorter, more focused training than a full month commitment. At Pyramid Yogshala, our experienced masters are committed to preserving Himalayan teachings and guiding you toward yoga certification.

An Inclusive Yoga Teacher Training Experience for All Levels

Experience a curriculum that seamlessly integrates theory and practice, meeting all Yoga Alliance USA standards. A quick overview is provided below.

  • Pranayama is a collection of yogic techniques and practices often described as the art and science of breath control. It is a profound discipline in its own right, offering transformative benefits for the mind, body, and spirit. Here’s an outline of what you’ll explore in this subject:

    • Introduction to Pranayama

    • Benefits of Pranayama

    • Understanding the Pranic Body

    • The Relationship Between Prana and Lifestyle

    • Breath, Health, and Pranayama

    • Pranayama for Spiritual Growth

    You’ll also learn and practice the following techniques:

    • Kapalabhati: Frontal brain cleansing

    • Nadi Shodhana: Psychic network purification

    • Bhastrika: Bellows breath

    • Ujjayi: The psychic breath

    • Sheetali: Cooling breath

    • Sheetkari: Hissing breath

    • Bhramari: Humming bee breath

    • Surya Bhedana: Vitality-stimulating breath

    This module is designed to provide a deep understanding of pranayama and its role in enhancing overall well-being and spiritual development.Description text goes here

  • Mantras hold a profound place in daily yogic life, serving as sacred sounds and prayers imbued with powerful energy and vibrations. They are tools for focus, connection, and spiritual growth. In this program, you will learn to chant and understand the significance of the following mantras:

    • Opening Mantra

    • Om Chanting

    • Gayatri Mantra

    • Guru Vandana (Prayer to the Guru)

    • Student and Master Mantra

    • Patanjali Mantra (Ashtanga Mantra)

    • Completeness Mantra

    Through these practices, you’ll experience the transformative power of mantras and their ability to harmonize the mind, body, and soul.Description text goes here

  • Shatkarma refers to the six yogic purification techniques (kriyas) detailed in the ancient text Hatha Yoga Pradipika. These practices are designed to cleanse the body, keeping it strong, healthy, and free from toxins, while unblocking the flow of prana (life energy) within.

    By practicing shatkarmas, the body is internally purified, creating an ideal foundation for pranayama and meditation. These techniques minimize distractions, discomfort, and fatigue, making advanced yogic practices more accessible and effective. Rooted in tradition, shatkarmas are powerful tools for preventing illness, releasing physical and energetic blockages, and enhancing overall well-being.

    During the program, you’ll learn:

    • Jal Neti (Water Cleansing)

    • Rubber Neti (Rubber Thread Cleansing)

    • Kunjal Neti (Saltwater Cleansing)

    These traditional methods will deepen your practice and elevate your understanding of yoga’s holistic approach to health and vitality.

  • Hatha yoga, one of the oldest forms of Indian yoga, balances opposing energies ("ha" meaning sun and "tha" meaning moon, representing Yin and Yang). This physical practice cultivates stamina, flexibility, balance, and strength, making it a popular and beneficial style.

    A typical Hatha practice includes:

    • Joint Warm-ups (Pawanmuktasana Series A, B, and C)

    • Sun and Moon Salutations (Surya Namaskara & Chandra Namaskara)

    • Yoga Mudrasana

    • Various Asanas (Postures):

      • Supine: Matsyasana, Gupta Padmasana, Baddha Padmasana, Kukkutasana, Garbhasana

      • Backbends: Saral Bhujangasana (Easy Cobra), Bhujangasana (Cobra), Tiryaka Bhujangasana (Twisting Cobra), Sarpasana (Snake), Ardha Shalabhasana (Half Locust), Shalabhasana (Locust), Saral Dhanurasana (Easy Bow), Kandharasana (Shoulder), Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon), Setu Asana (Bridge), Gomukhasana (Cow’s Face)

      • Forward Bends: Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend), Gatyatmak Paschimottanasana (Dynamic Forward Bend), Pada Prasar Paschimottanasana (Wide-Legged Forward Bend), Janu Sirsasana (Head-to-Knee), Ardha Padma Paschimottanasana (Half Lotus Forward Bend), Hasta Padangusthasana (Hand-to-Big-Toe), Padahastasana (Hand-to-Foot), Sirsha Angústia Yogasana (Standing Head-to-Big-Toe), Utthita Janu Sirsasana (Standing Head-Between-Knees)

      • Twists & Advanced Poses: Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Spinal Twist), Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana (Revolved Head-to-Knee), Poorna Bhujangasana (Full Cobra), Kurmasana (Tortoise), Poorna Salabhasana (Full Locust), Poorna Dhanurasana (Full Bow), Dhanur Aakarshan-asana (Archer), Chakrasana (Wheel), Hanumanasana (Splits), Poorna Matsyendrasana (Full Spinal Twist), Mayurasana (Peacock), Padma Mayurasana (Lotus Peacock), Gorakshasana, Astavakrasana, Vrschikasana (Scorpion)

      • Inversions, Balancing Poses, and Core Work

  • These classes and lectures will explore the history of yoga, including Patanjali's Yoga Sutras and the significance of yoga's origins in India. Each session will include a Q&A segment to address student questions and facilitate a deeper understanding of yoga.

    Some of the concepts taught in these classes are:

    The History of Yoga

    Dharma and Karma

    The 6 Darshans of Sanatan Dharma

    Ashtanga Yoga - Patanjali’s method

    Purusha & Prakriti - The cosmic dance

  • Anatomy classes will explore how asanas and breathwork influence the body, including the skeletal structure, internal systems, and respiration. Understanding the basic structure and function of these systems is crucial for yoga teachers to ensure safe and effective instruction for their students. These classes will cover:

    • Complete Body Anatomy

    • Skeletal System

    • Muscular System

    • Circulatory System

    • Nervous System

    • Respiratory System

    • Endocrine System

    • Joints and Movement

  • Ashtanga yoga, a rigorous and integral style, demands dedication and consistent self-practice. Our experienced instructors, advanced Ashtanga practitioners themselves, will guide you safely through even the most challenging postures. You will learn the complete Led Primary Series, which includes:

    • Warm-up Sequences: Surya Namaskar A and B

    • Standing Poses:

      • Hasta Padangusthasana & Pada Hastasana

      • Utthita Trikonasana

      • Parivrtta Trikonasana

      • Utthita Parsvakonasana

      • Parivrtta Parsvakonasana

      • Prasarita Padottanasana A, B, C & D

      • Utthita Parsvottanasana

      • Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana

      • Utthita Parshwa Sahita

      • Utthita Eka Padasana

      • Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana

      • Utkatasana

      • Virabhadrasana A, B, and C

    • Seated Forward Bends and Other Poses:

      • Paschimottanasana A, B, and C

      • Purvottanasana

      • Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana

      • Tryang Mukha Eka Pada Paschimottanasana

      • Janu Sirsasana A, B, and C

      • Marichyasana A, B, and D

      • Navasana

      • Lolasana

      • Bhujapidasana

      • Kurmasana

      • Garbha Pindasana

      • Kukkutasana

      • Baddha Konasana A & B

      • Konasana A & B

    • Intermediate Asanas:

      • Salabhasana A & B

      • Dhanurasana

      • Ustrasana

      • Kapotasana A & B

      • Supta Vajrasana

      • Bakasana A

      • Bakasana B (Jump)

      • Ardha Matsyendrasana

      • Yoga Nidrasana

      • Tittibhasana

      • Pincha Mayurasana

      • Vatayana Asana

      • Gomukhasana A & B

      • Hasta Sirsasana (Headstand)

    • Advanced A (Optional):

      • Kasyapa Asana

      • Bhairava Asana

      • Urdhva Kukkutasana A

      • Galavasana

      • Eka Pada Viparita Dandasana

      • Viparita Salabhasana

      • Ganda Bherundasana

      • Hanumanasana

      • Natarajasana

      • Raja Kapotasana

Meet The Teachers

Our team of experienced and dedicated instructors are passionate about sharing their extensive knowledge of various yoga styles. They create a supportive and inspiring learning environment where students deepen their practice and develop the skills to become effective and compassionate yoga teachers.

Upcoming Course Dates

. Courses Starting on the 1st, 7th, and 15th of Every Month

. Courses Starting on the 1st, 7th, and 15th of Every Month

Our 100-hour Yoga Teacher Training offers a comprehensive, 14-day immersive experience for aspiring instructors. With courses starting on the 1st, 7th, and 15th of each month, and limited class sizes (20 students), you’ll receive personalized instruction. Check-in is the day before the course begins, and check-out is by 11:00 am on the final day. Check our schedule and register today!

Choose Your Intake


Jan 01

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Mar 01

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May 01

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Jul 01

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Sep 01

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Nov 01

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Jan 07

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Mar 07

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Jul 07

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Nov 07

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Jan 15

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Jul 15

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Sep 15

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Feb 01

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Jun 01

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Aug 01

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Feb 15

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Apr 15

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Jun 15

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Aug 15

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Oct 15

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Dec 15

Seats available

*2026 Dates Also Available

Where You’ll Stay.

Escape to the tranquil foothills of Manikut Mountain in Rishikesh, at our retreat campus near the iconic Laxman Jhula Bridge. Bordering the verdant Rajaji Tiger Reserve, our location offers a peaceful sanctuary just moments from the vibrant local life. Our campus features four buildings surrounding a serene central garden, accommodating up to 50 students monthly. Enjoy comfortable shared or private rooms, all with modern amenities and many offering stunning views of the Ganges and private balconies.

Choose Your Accommodation.

We offer various accommodation options to suit your needs, from shared (quadruple, triple, double) rooms that encourage community to private single rooms for a more personal experience. All rooms feature attached washrooms for your comfort and convenience.


Triple Shared Room

An ample room with 3 beds and attached washroom.

Women only


Double Shared Room

A room shared with another person with attached washroom.

Per gender


Private Room

A room just for yourself with attached washroom.


Private Room for 2 persons

A room for you and your partner/friend with attached washroom.

100-Hours Yoga Teacher training Course

Photo Gallery

Witness the magic of our 100-hour Yoga Teacher Training in this visual story. From the breathtaking beauty of Rishikesh to the dedicated practice of our students, the inspiring presence of our instructors, and the deep connections of our community, these images tell a story of transformation in the heart of the Himalayas.